Rovaniemen kaupunginkirjasto, interlibrary order    Suomi    Svenska    English
Lomake ei ole käytössä 28.7. Applikationen är inte i bruk den 28.7. The application is not in use on 28.7.
*Library card number:
*Surname:       *First name:
Phone:         *Address:
Postal code and office:   Email:
School: Student num.:
Prefered language
(if not finnish):
 Address compulsory for new users Uppercase and lowercase letters matter in the card number
*Place of pick-up:
*Arrival notice via: Please check that you have filled in the required contact information.
Material type:
Can be ordered from abroad:
Year: Volume: Num: Pages:
Needed at latest:(for example. 04.12.2014)

* required information.